Archive for September, 2020

Truth: We all see things differently. I see things from multiple perspectives, from multiple positions, and from multiple angles…encompassing much more than most would associate together or see the correlation. That’s not a slight on anyone. That’s simply the way my mind works and the way I see things…global picture to speck of dirt…75,000ft above the ground to a quarter inch from the pavement.

No names but I had someone provide some “humble” advice as to my delivery and to correct me on my usage of the term socialism. The response was to my OpEd from yesterday, “The Threat From Within”. And, the comment and a subsequent one came via Facebook. I don’t know know why this one pushed a button, but it did. The commentator provided me some pointers in a few areas and stated that “we” (funny… I didn’t realize “we” were doing anything. Sorry. I know the polite condescending nature of using the “we”. I’m ashamed to admit I’ve used it myself. It is almost like a “bless your heart”.) I digress…would do better educating people with the right definition of socialism as it is where the government owns the means of production.”

Ladies and gentlemen, government control of production and the supply of goods and services, whether by direct action, policy or legislation, by proxy, or by shutting down private business…is socialism and a threat to our constitutional republic and our way of life in America. Pure and simple. I am not going to get into a social media debate with anyone. I will be glad to turn on the microphones and we can have a discussion via Servant Warrior Radio. Like any American should be, I am ready to discuss this via the narrow-minded halls of much of academia or the ruthless by-ways of the streets. I’m well versed in both.

If I am perceived to be pushing a particular narrative, trust me, I am not. My perspective and opinion are mine alone. If my perspective is similar to others out there, good for them. Make no mistake. My thoughts and opinions are mine.

With regards to commentary on my blog posts, I am glad to get them. It means I’ve struck a nerve and sparked action. I’ve accomplished my goal. If the commentator chooses to comment on a blog post that resides on my website and make the comment via social media, I begin to question the motive. I wonder if the comments are for me or for others. I think it’s likely a little of both. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because every opinion is important. Every perspective is important. And all are free to share. That’s America. However, we all should be very careful when we direct our opinions to a specific person…especially when it is unsolicited. That is why social media is in the state that it is in and why there is so much strife and division in our country. Here’s my take: read my posts or don’t. It’s completely up to you. There’s plenty out there to fill the time. Regardless of what you decide, it’s all good. Searcy, out.

I certainly want to lift up the family, friends, and colleagues of the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Please be in prayer for them. Whether one agreed with her ideology or not, her accomplishments as a Supreme Court Justice and an advocate for her perspective cannot be underscored or diminished. She was a brilliant lady, an icon and an example for many.

With that being said, a seat is now open on the United States Supreme Court. This will be a major issue as we head into the presidential election. It has already begun with regards to those on the Left stating Trump should not appoint a supreme court justice before the election, even though President Obama nominated a potential supreme court justice after Antonin Scalia passed away mysteriously. The Republicans control the Senate now as they did then. The Democrats touted it as a moral or ethical issue then. I expect it would be one now. Why? Because the Democrats do not control the Senate and can do nothing about it. I won’t address the irony and utter ridiculousness of morality and ethics lessons from the Left. Additionally, the Democrats’ warnings of court packing if Joe Biden wins the election only shows their complete disregard for the rule of law and judicial restraint and clearly reveals their intentions to impact policy via the courts.

No one on either side will be happy and there will be quite a few people in DC and around the country that will be up in arms no matter how this turns out.

It’s going to a very, very interesting fall. It’s why I study and teach Government. More on this and so much more in coming posts at

So much more to come. Searcy out.

Many in the united states have this feeling in their stomach that our country is headed toward socialism. Nothing could be more true. The desire to rewrite, ignore, and/or destroy history is paving the way. All one needs to do is look back at early 20th century Europe…specifically Italy and Germany. The coordinated effort to remove competition within the economies in order to foster monopolies, monopolies supported by the government, that occurred in Europe then is now happening here in the US. Think about the shutdown of the economy…the shutdown of businesses in this country, many of them still closed now for 6 months, under the guise of safety and health due to a virus that has a 99+% survival rate. Think about the businesses that were allowed to remain open during the “pandemic”. There are enemies to our republic and to our capitalistic way of life on both sides of the political isle. One side is obvious. One side is a bit more covert. While I recognize the threat that China and other state-run economies pose to the US, neither the President of the US nor the US government should ever be brokering corporate purchases. Once again, a governmental action sought under the guise of national security. At what point does this stop? At what point, regardless of the political ideology that is in the majority in Washington DC or any state or locality, do we as a citizenry hold our elected officials and our governments at the local, state, and federal levels accountable? I will tell you when…when we as a citizenry are truly honest in our assessment of the state and condition of our society – regardless of our ideological beliefs – and the cause of its decline. When we become knowledgeable about our Constitution and our Capitalistic economic system, the ideals that provide the foundation of our country, and the limited government that was created by our Framers. That’s when. There is a serious threat to the future of this country and that threat is from within. The biggest threat to our country and our way of life is…America itself and what we are allowing to permeate our government, our schools, our media, and our lives.

“We were the first to assert that the more complicated the forms assumed by civilization, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.” Benito Mussolini

Let that sink in and give honest thought to the applicability.

If you do not think American exceptionalism and the freedoms ensured by our Constitution and secured by the blood and lives of patriots are in serious peril by those entrusted to govern, to teach, and to inform, your lack of vision and/or your willingness to ignore the obvious, are only contributing to the American demise and to paving the dead end road to “serfdom”.

Searcy out.